Guymast Inc. is pleased to provide GUYMASTER, its interface to the suite of Guymast software for the efficient analysis of guyed and self-supporting lattice towers and monopoles(US and CAN standards).

GUYMASTER enhances the ability of tower designers and analysts to execute their work efficiently with a minimum amount of effort, but with considerable power to analyze all the critical conditions for these structures, using the TIA 222, CSA S37, IS-875 and AU3995 standards. Other standards will be added as resources are made available and needs are identified.

The most visible part of GUYMASTER is its screen based input and process/project control that allow the user to navigate easily. The verification of data integrity and monitoring of data changes helps users complete their mission in less time and with more satisfactory results.

The new project directory system provides a very convenient project Data Base with user modifiable project and group labels.

To help those who have been using previous versions of our software avoid having to re-enter data previously prepared as .DAT files, GUYMASTER will import and automatically convert the .DAT data files to the new format to avoid re-entry of data.

The new and powerful graphical display of tower and appurtenance geometry, both in elevation and in plan, are of great assistance in preparation of the analysis model and in thorough testing of its fidelity to the real tower.

The context sensitive help and drop down explanatory boxes will speed the new user's proficiency with the software.

The changes to the software go deeper than can be seen on the surface, however. We have implemented software for the analysis of monopoles, with and without guys, and for the easy inclusion of torsion resistors and their analysis within GUYMAST.

To accommodate a smoother, regular rollout of updates and facilitate the availability of support by e-mail and by telephone, we have implemented an annual support and maintenance fee that is consistent with that common in the industry.

We believe that, to date, our support has been second to none. In fact, we have often responded to requests for support that may not be strictly classified as software support, just to make sure that the users can get on with their time critical and important work. We have also pleasantly surprised users with the quick turnaround of the answers to their questions. Of course, it is not always possible to get the answer right away. In those cases, too, we have surprised our users with our perseverance at stalking the problem and directness in reporting it back to the user.

To get more information, or arrange for purchase or upgrades, please contact the distributor in your area:

Canada, USA, South and Central America: or phone at 416 736 7453


Principal Features of GUYMASTER:


    • Legacy compatibility with older versions through import of files prepared for those versions, with automatic conversion to the data required in the new software;
    • Copying of data from one project to another project and from and to MS Excel spreadsheets;
    • Clear delineation of data in tables that the user is familiar with, with on screen entry and modification of data, as well as cell-by-cell real-time range checking of data to facilitate quicker and surer correction, while the user is still well acquainted with the details of the data;
    • Checking for the consistency and completeness of data every time before the analysis process begins;
    • Project oriented storage and retrieval of data;
    • E-mail project data from within GUYMASTER interface with the touch of a button;
    • More and better user modifiable databases, including guy cables, tx-lines (feeders), standard structural shapes for the description of materials for tower elements and appurtenance components;
    • Single line entry of torsion resistor definition;
    • Graphical display of element forces, tower and antenna displacements, foundation and anchor loads, distribution of wind and gravity loads, in easy to interpret, meaningful format.
    • Automatic generation of drawings of tower profiles in various directions and plan sections at selected elevations on the tower, including linear and discrete appurtenances and antennas;
    • Facility for exporting drawings in AutoCAD* format for further processing there.

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GUYMASTER features contemplated:

    • Calculation of capacities and resistances by GUYMASTER on the basis of the data input and the standard specified;
    • More User modifiable databases for antennas and other appurtenances;
    • More user control of graphics and analysis process;
    • More powerful modeling tools for specialized structures and components to make the designer's ideas easier of execution and less limited in scope.

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* AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk.